Well Baby Clinic:
Antenatal Clinic:
- Pomeroy 11.30 am on 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month
The Clinic is run by a Community Midwife who can refer to a GP if necessary. If you have any concerns about your pregnancy outside this time contact the doctor.
Disease Management:
Our Practice Nurses see all patients with a chronic disease regularly. This allows each patient to plan the best treatment from them with the Nurse and to report progress of any problems and have these dealt with. Patients are seen by appointment and invitation.
Cervical Smear Clinic:
We encourage all women who have ever had sexual intercourse and who are under the age of 64 to have a smear test performed in accordance with current guidelines.
Minor Surgery:
Many minor surgical procedures such as removal of warts can be carried out at the practice minor surgery clinic. Appointments are by referral from the doctor.
Family Planning:
We currently offer Nexplanon (contraceptive implant), IUS (Mirena coil, Kyleena coil, IUCD (Copper Coil)
Near Patient Testing:
The treatment of several diseases is increasing reliant on drugs that, while clinical effective, need regular blood monitoring. The practice nurse upon referral from the doctor will carry out these blood tests.
Anti-Coagulation Monitoring:
For the care of patients taking Warfare the practice nurse carries out regular blood monitoring. Appointments are by referral from the doctor.
New Patient Health Checks:
Newly registered patients are required to attend the practice nurse for a lifestyle health check and recording of past medical history. Health checks can be arranged by contacting reception.